A misdemeanor can carry significant consequences and must be taken seriously. Many misdemeanors can carry lasting and often lifelong consequences, such as the requirement to register as a sex offender or a narcotics user. These convictions can cost you more than just your freedom; you could lose your job or license, or even have difficulty finding a place to live. An experienced Criminal Defense Attorney like Ms. Sullivan can ensure you take every step to protect yourself.
The stakes in felonies and violent crimes like assault, battery, manslaughter, and homicide are always high.
Without experienced representation by a Northern California Criminal Defense Attorney like Ms. Sullivan your rights are at risk. Often, cases that appear to be minor in scope can result in charges you may never have expected. For instance, if your child was in the car during a DUI you could find yourself charged with child endangerment. Or, have an allegation of abuse arise during a custody dispute or Domestic Violence case. Understanding the government's strategy is key to success in these types of cases and Ms. Sullivan is well versed on these matters.
Being accused of a crime is a difficult and troubling experience. A knowledgeable and experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer is crucial to retain as early as possible.
Ms. Sullivan is an experienced Trinity County Criminal Defense Attorney who practices in Mendocino, Tehama, Shasta, Humboldt, Butte and Lake Counties in Northern California.
She can guide you through the process from before charges are filed all the way through jury trial to ensure your rights are protected.
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(707) 730-4177